Assign a Reporting Period to an Activity

For an activity to report results in DevResults, the reporting period that the activity's indicators report on must be assigned to that activity. There are two ways in which reporting periods can be added to an activity:

Add Reporting Periods

First, go to the Activities tab of the main menu, select your activity, and then go to that activity's Overview tab.

Scroll down to the Details section and click on Add Reporting Periods.

In the pop-up window that appears, select all reporting periods that the indicators assigned to that activity will have entered data.

You can filter the available reporting periods by searching for key terms like year.

Once you've selected your reporting periods, click + Add Reporting Periods.

Your reporting periods will now appear in the activity's Details section:

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Add reporting periods by dates

First, go to the Activities tab of the main menu, select your activity, and then go to that activity's Overview tab.

Scroll down to the Details section and fill in the Dates section. Next click on Add Reporting Period By Dates.

In the pop-up window that appears, select Yes to have DevResults automatically create and assign reporting periods within the Date interval.

Your reporting periods will now appear in the activity's Details section:

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