Contributor Exam

DevResults has developed a standard exam as a tool for training users with data entry and report-making responsibilities in DevResults. If you provide training to other users on these skills, we advise offering the exam to your trainees to test understanding and reinforce skills. While we're currently unable to certify users who aren't trained and tested by DevResults staff, we hope that this is a useful tool for trainers within your organization. Everything you need for administering the exam is included below. 

Prepare the contributor exam

  • Download the DevResults Contributor Exam
  • Print a copy for each participant (portrait orientation, color)
  • Create an "Contributor Exam" activity in your training site
  • Edit a results framework to add "Exam" as an objective
  • Create a data table called "Meeting Logs" by uploading Meeting Logs.xlsx to your training site as a new data table. N.B. If your site does not have "Sex" as a disaggregation, add "Sex" as a disaggregation to your training site before creating the table. Select the "Create table without importing the data" option.
  • Create exam indicators by uploading Indicators.xlsx to your training site. (Hint: see our article about how to add multiple indicators)
  • Assign each exam indicator to the Exam results framework objective
  • Define the formula indicator as [Exam-2n]/[Exam-2d]
  • Complete the data table indicator definitions
  • Create an activity for each trainee (using their name as the activity name) and assign each of the four indicators to each trainee's activity
  • Assign one open reporting period and at least two locations to each trainee's activity
  • Create a checklist template for the exam by copying and pasting this into your Administration > Checklist Templates page.
Contributor Exam
- Data entry - direct entry
- Data entry - data table (online)
- Data entry - data table (using Excel)
- Submit data
- Create dashboard
- Create/save MultiMatrix report
- Email the link to your saved report to your trainer
  • Add a separate checklist for each trainee to the Contributor Exam activity with this template and rename the checklist for each attendee. e.g “Contributor Exam – Jane Smith”
  • Assign each task to the trainee and assign a deadline of the exam date


Introduce the contributor exam by pointing out that our goal here is not that they demonstrate they've memorized everything about DevResults, but that they demonstrate they can complete the most common data entry and report-making tasks with the aid of the knowledge base and their peers as resources.

They should only ask the trainer questions if a) they need clarification on the task, or b) they run into something that feels like a software bug.

Remind them to only check off tasks in their own checklist--not the first one that opens. Review and "approve" their checklist items as they complete them, or mark them as undone and let them know they need to revisit.

Assess their completed MultiMatrix report to ensure that in contains only results for each of the 4 exam indicators. 

If you administer an exam, please let us know at how it goes. We’d love to hear about it.

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