Export Entire DevResults Instance

DevResults users with owner permissions can download the entire set of program information and indicator data that makes up their instance of DevResults.

This set of information includes: 

  • A set of JSON files that describe indicator results and their relationships to program information
  • All data tables as Excel files
  • All photos and documents in their original formats

To download this information, please see the README for the InstanceExport/PowerShell tool in our DevResultsTools GitHub repository. You will also need to reach out to us at us at help@devresults.com to request an Instance Export Manifest.

The downloaded data will be organized by key objects, like indicators and awards (i.e.: activities), and you will see folders for each key object containing files with data for each record. For example, the Indicators folder contains files with the definitions for indicator-related items and then a folder for each indicator (by IndicatorID) with the data reported for that indicator. For more information on how to interpret the exported data, please refer to our API documentation.

Note: U.S. Government security requirements prohibit DevResults staff from downloading this information and then sending it to users. Users will need to follow the InstanceExport instructions. 

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