Form Templates: Reporting Periods

The Forms tab in DevResults offers some basic tools to help you create reports in Microsoft Word (or PDFs). You can create form templates for activities, for a single reporting period/activity combination, and for indicators. This page provides placeholders and access instructions for the Activity (one reporting period) Form Template type. For detailed instructions on how to use forms, create form templates, format dates, and format text, please see: How to Use Forms.

List of Reporting Period Form Template Placeholders

This type of form includes all activity form fields, as well as:

Reporting Period - Name[[ReportingPeriod_Name]]
Reporting Period - Start Date[[ReportingPeriod_StartDate]]
Reporting Period - End Date[[ReportingPeriod_EndDate]]
Reporting Period - Submission Start Date[[ReportingPeriod_SubmissionStartDate]]
Reporting Period - Submission End Date[[ReportingPeriod_SubmissionEndDate]]
Reporting Period - Data Submission Status[[ReportingPeriod_Status]]
Count of activity's indicators this reporting period[[IndicatorCount]]
Displays a summary of indicator results[[IndicatorSummary]]
Displays narrative response entered by this activity for this reporting period for the referenced Narrative Code. (See Administration->Narrative Questions.) Update NarrativeCode to match the code of the Narrative Question you want displayed.[[NarrativeResponse:NarrativeQuestions_Code=NarrativeCode]]

How to Access this Form

You can access an Activity (one reporting period) Form in one of two ways:

  1. From Activities (all users):
    1. Go to Activities and select the activity you want to view.
    2. On the Overview tab (the tab that opens), scroll to the Reporting Periods section.
    3. Click on the reporting period you want to view for this activity.
    4. On the screen that opens, click the Forms tab.
    5. Click on the form you wish to view; it should automatically download.
  2. From the Reporting Periods screen (only users with appropriate privileges):
    1. Go to Results->Reporting Periods.
    2. Select the reporting period you want to view.
    3. Once the reporting period details screen opens, select the activity you want to view for that reporting period.
    4. When the activity page opens, click the Forms tab.
    5. Click on the form you wish to view; it should automatically download.
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