Narrative Responses

Users have the option to enter narrative responses to supplement indicator data for each reporting period. This article covers how to enter and export narrative responses.  

For instructions for partners, please see our article for Enter Narrative Responses (Partner)

For help with formatting text in narrative responses, please see our article for Formatting Text.

If you are an administrator and would like to edit the narrative questions, please see our article on how to Manage Narrative Questions.

Enter Responses

To enter narrative responses, navigate to an Activity Reporting Period page. To do so, go to the Data menu and select Per Reporting Period.

Click on the reporting period you would like to enter narrative responses for.

Click on one activity. 

Click on the Narrative tab. This page shows each narrative question posed to each activity for each reporting period. Add responses by clicking on the grey suggestion text, then either pasting in text or typing it in directly.

Export Responses

There are four options for exporting narrative responses. You can export narrative responses for:

  1. One activity for one reporting period
  2. All activities for one reporting period
  3. All responses for all reporting periods
  4. It is also possible to embed narrative responses in a Word document using Forms. For instructions on how to do so, please see our article about How to Use Forms

1. For one activity for one reporting period, go to Data > Per Reporting Period, select a reporting period, select an activity, click on the Narrative tab, and then choose Download narrative responses in the gear menu.

2. For all activities for one reporting period, go to Data > Per Reporting Period, select a reporting period, and then choose Download narrative responses in the gear menu.

3. For all responses for all reporting periods, go to Tools > Custom Queries and click Export next to the Complete Narrative Response Export query. 

Import Responses

There are two options for importing narrative responses. You can:

  1. Import and edit narrative responses for a single activity and a single reporting period
  2. Import narrative responses for multiple activities and reporting periods

1.  For one activity for one reporting period, go to Data > Per Reporting Period, select a reporting period, select an activity and navigate to the narrative tab. Then select either Download blank template or Download narrative responses in the gear menu. A blank template will allow you to fill in all information for that activity and reporting period, while downloading the narrative responses will allow you to edit any existing responses and add new responses.

Once you've updated your file, click on Import to add them to the site.

2. Users who have permission to access site-wide bulk import tools can add narrative responses for multiple activities and reporting periods. Navigate to Tools > Bulk Imports and scroll to the Narratives section. Download a Blank Template and add your reporting periods, activities, questions, and narrative responses. Click the Import Narratives button to add the data to the site.

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