Upload Photos

DevResults allows you to store photos. Every photo is associated with an activity. Photos are uploaded to an activity page and all photos can be viewed in the global photos page found at Tools > Photos. Photo storage is unlimited.

To upload a photo, go to the blue photos tab of your activity page

This page shows all of the photos associated with that activity. To add photos for the activity, click Upload Photos and select the image(s) you want from your files.

Note: If you do not see an "Upload Photos" button, you do not have permission to edit photos. Please speak with your supervisor. 

DevResults supports .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, and .png formats. You can add multiple files at the same time.

Click on an uploaded photo to see the caption, photo credit, and date. 

Click on Details to view and edit photo metadata, or to download the full size image. 

In the Description section of the Details page, you can edit the following fields:

  • Caption: This adds context for the photo and appears on the image preview page.
  • ALT text: This description is used by screen readers for the visually impaired.
  • Photo credit: The person or organization who provided the photo.
  • Date: Date of photo.
  • Tags: Group photos thematically by adding tags
  • Location: Identify the location associated with the photo (to be used by the geography filter on the Photo index page).

Below the Description section, in the Geographic Location section, you can specify the exact latitude/longitude where the photo was taken, or click on the Look up location button to type in a few keywords and attempt to locate the image using a Google Maps search.

To view photos across all activities, go to Tools > Photos. This gallery allows you to filter the photos by activity, by geography, or by tag. You can use the search bar to find photos based on text in the caption. Clicking on the thumbnail here will also allow you to edit the details of a photo.

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