Updated Articles

  1. MultiMatrix Basics for Partners

    Partner users can create MultiMatrix dashboards in DevResults that allow them to view all of their indicator data. To use this feature, Partner Dashboards must be enabled in your DevResults site .  To create a MultiMatrix dashboard as a partner, c...
  2. Teach Yourself DevResults

    Learning DevResults? This page provides a logical progression through each topic needed to be a successful DevResults user. We are working toward providing video tutorials for every major topic so stay tuned for updates! This series of tutorials w...
  3. What is Enterprise?

    Enterprise was designed to enable seamless data flows between project-level instances of DevResults and headquarters instances of DevResults. "Enterprise" is our name for that set of linked DevResults sites. What does Enterprise offer, and how is it...
  4. Mapping Functionality

    What mapping tools and features are offered in DevResults? DevResults mapping features are designed to enforce good data management practices by requiring that all indicator results are associated with a place, whether that place is a single facili...
  5. IATI Hub: Generate IATI files

    More and more organizations are realizing the benefits of publishing open data on their activities, funding streams, and results using the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) data standard. Many donors now require that grantees and re...
  6. Link Data Tables

    Linked data tables allow you to connect one or more tables by information common to both. For example, you can have one table of schools that contains all the categorical information about each school (location, size, level, urban v rural, etc.) and...
  7.  Webinar: Linked Tables and Relational Data

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Key Points from the Webinar Context Linked data tables allow you to connect one or more tables by information common to both. For example, you can have one table of trainees  that contains all their ...
  8. Data Table Row Locking

    DevResults provides a data submission and approval process that ensures that after direct entry indicator data has been submitted and approved, it can no longer be edited by users with limited permissions. With the data table row locking featu...
  9. Linked Table Examples

    DevResults supports linked (or relational) data by allowing users to link data tables by information common to both. Linked data tables are a solution that may benefit your team in day-to-day data management and monitoring work. To help you decide...
  10. Document Storage Integrations

    DevResults provides unlimited document storage in document folders, but we also offer integrations with Dropbox and Google Drive . Either can be used to sync documents, files, and folders in your organizational accounts with DevResults, including...