Updated Articles

  1. Meetings

    In this article: Requesting Meetings with DevResults Team Members Meeting Logistics Standing Meetings Semi-Annual Check-ins Requesting Meetings with DevResults Team Members: To request a meeting with a DevResults team member, ple...
  2. Manage Custom Fields for Activities

    Every activity overview page includes a Description section that enables you to add written information about an activity. By default, the fields in this section include:  Context Objectives Summary Expected Results Beneficiary Description ...
  3. Checklist Templates

    The checklists feature lets you keep track of tasks and assign them to particular users. For information about creating and using checklists, please see Checklists . You might have a checklist that you'd like to use multiple times, for multiple ...
  4. Checklists

    Checklists are a great tool for tracking and managing milestones and tasks. Checklists are associated with specific activities. One activity can have an unlimited number of checklists, and a single checklist can have an unlimited number of tasks in ...
  5. Find Knowledge Base

    The knowledge base is linked from every page of DevResults Click on the Help button in the top right hand corner. You will see a dropdown menu of options for your account. You can either: Search for knowledge base pages directly in the search b...
  6. Which Administrative Division Levels Should I Use?

    In DevResults, Administrative Divisions refer to areas on a map, represented by shapes. These generally include the national borders of the country/countries for your site, and may include several additional layers of smaller, nested administrativ...
  7. Activity Metadata

    DevResults has introduced an updated activity index that allows users to visualize metadata for your activity portfolio. These tools let you create matrix reports and pie charts for counts of your activities by geography, status, mechanism, framewor...
  8. Renaming Terms in DevResults

    New DevResults users often ask about renaming terms on their DevResults platform. This article is a complete guide to what you can and can't change, and why.  Configuration vs. Customization : Our approach to tailoring our software Renaming ter...
  9. How is Data Table Information Assigned to Reporting Periods?

    When an indicator's results are calculated from a data table, rows of the data table get assigned to a reporting period based on:  The date in the data table row (in the column defined as the indicator's date column ) The activity referenced in ...
  10. Resetting an Activity Reporting Period

    Imagine a scenario where information was incorrectly added to an activity for a certain reporting period and you'd like to delete all of that information and return to a blank slate. For this, you can use the  Reset activity reporting period button...