Updated Articles

  1. Feature Suggestions

    Development of DevResults is driven by the feedback and suggestions from our clients. Our best features are inspired by you, so we love hearing your ideas about how we could improve the site. If you would like to submit a suggestion for a new or im...
  2. Enterprise: Copying Indicators using the Indicator Library

    One of the perks of our enterprise setups is that you can use your enterprise site's Indicators Index as a Global Indicator Library, copying indicators (and their related disaggregations, etc.) directly to any linked site. This has several advantage...
  3. New To DevResults?

    Welcome to DevResults! To help you get a feel for the site, we've put together a list of articles we think may be helpful. Want help navigating the site?  We have several help pages dedicated to navigating the site.   Here's an overview of Naviga...
  4. Contributor Exam

    DevResults has developed a standard exam as a tool for training users with data entry and report-making responsibilities in DevResults. If you provide training to other users on these skills, we advise offering the exam to your trainees to test unde...
  5. Administrator Exam

    DevResults has developed a standard exam as a tool for training users with administrative responsibilities in the DevResults site. If you provide training to other users on these skills, we advise offering the exam to your trainees to test understan...
  6. Manage Fiscal Years

    Defining fiscal years will let you create reports that aggregate results by year where the year might start on an arbitrary day, like October 1st. Every reporting cycle is associated with one fiscal year. Most programs operate with one fiscal year ...
  7. Define an Organization

    DevResults offers several tools for defining organizations: Create or edit single organization Create or edit multiple organizations using an Excel upload Note:  Any user whose group includes View & Edit permissions for Organizat...
  8. Partner Dashboards

    When partners log in to DevResults, they see a customized data entry portal with each reporting reporting period assigned to their activity or activities.  Note: In DevResults, a partner  is a user assigned to any permission group with the "...
  9. Change a Group's Permissions

    In DevResults, permission groups are editable, enabling you to specify which components a group of users can view, view & edit, or have no access to. See Permissions Overview for more information on how permissions work. From any page in DevResul...
  10. System Announcements

    Ever notice how DevResults occasionally posts site announcements in banners at the top of your site? Note: You can hide individual system announcements by clicking the Got it button on the right. Users (with permission to edit Program Setti...